Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Pre-School Open House

This evening I attended Mason's Pre-School Open House. He will go two mornings a week at Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Pre-School. OLPH is a Catholic School which houses grades K-8. However, they just started a Pre-School program this year. The best part is that our street dead ends into the School/Church. When the weather is nice we can walk ... right to the end of our street! Nice!

So we walked up to the school this evening. Let's start with the fact that Mason went down for a late nap this afternoon because I had a doctor's appointment. He only slept for about 45-50 minutes and I had to wake him up to get ready to go. This was the unfortunate start of the evening. He didn't want to wake up and was SUPER crabby, crying, the whole nine yards. Great! We finally get out the door and are walking to the school. Well, we have to walk past the school playground before we get there. Mason knows this playground quite well, we frequent it several times per week! So he wanted to go play. I explain to him we can play after the Open House ... more crying. Then he doesn't want to go in the school. The school he's been talking about for months! I get him into the classroom and he sees all the toys and activities. Now he's in Heaven! They have dinosaurs, Thomas the Train, and all sorts of fun stuff to do. Well, needless to say, when it was time to leave he didn't want to go. He didn't even want to go to the playground now, he wanted to "stay at school and play." Now he's crying once again as everyone is staring. Seriously! Embarassing!

After we left he settled down and has been a gem since we got home. Though he does have his moments, I know he is super excited to go to Pre-School and I think lack of a good nap played a strong role in this afternoon's melt downs.

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