Monday, August 03, 2009

Our First Week Home

I cannot believe that Braden is ONE week old already! It makes me sad ... it's already going too fast! The transition of having a new baby in the house has gone quite well. Braden is very easy going. He is a great eater and sleeper. He took to nursing like a pro. He goes about every 3 hours during the day between feedings and 3.5 - 4 hours at night. This allows me to really wake up only one time in the middle of the night! I have truely been blessed with Braden. I must admit, Mason was a good baby and is a sweet and easy going little boy. I was certain Braden would give me paybacks from the get go. So far he has proved me wrong ... let's hope it stays that way!

Mason is adjusting pretty well. He hugs and kisses Braden. He tells Braden he loves him and says that "Braden loves him", and that "Braden is cute." On the other hand he is acting out in different ways, such as talking back and telling me no. When daddy is around this happens less frequently then when it is just me, Mason, and the baby.

Here is a summary of our first week home in pictures.

Getting ready to go home!

He was not fond of his carseat!

1st day home.

1st night in his bed.

Pretty blue eyes.

Do all little boys go through the cheesy smile phase?

Sunday afternoon we spent some time outside.

Keith built Mason this table to play on, etc.
He set up his trains and Mason had a ball!

Riding bikes with Daddy!
Monday afternoon we put up Mason's pool!
He loved it!

Mason told us, "This is the best pool ever!"
Sorry Grandma and Grandpa Wilson, I'm sure
his mind will change by the weekend.

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