Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Lately we've had some technical difficulties between our camera dying and our wireless router not working. I have been out of touch with the internet world! Well folks, we are back in business!
Not too much to report. We've been hanging out at the pool every chance we get. Mason loves the water and being outside. For Father's Day Mason and I took Keith to dinner and we got him a new camera (which we obviously needed). A Nikon Coolpix was the winner, so we've been testing it out over the weekend.
I have about 5 1/2 weeks until my due date with Braden. There has been lots of "activity" lately. Between him moving all about, pushing downward, and braxton hicks contractions daily, I'd say we are progressing nicely toward having a baby in the near future. I actually have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and we will see what this munchkin is up to. I've been nesting like crazy lately ... clean, organize, repeat! However, I'm still not quite ready for Braden's arrival. He needs to wait at least a couple weeks!
Here are some pictures of our SuMMeR FuN!

Mason was cuddling with Calvin.

Daddy testing out the new camera!

Giggling in the car on the way to
Father's Day dinner.

Too cool for words ...

Loving on Braden!

8 1/2 months
I think polka dots accentuate the belly ...

Pa Pa, Mason, and Elmo taking a dip.

Lovin' it!
Though he has arm floaties that he does very
well with, he still likes the old faithful life jacket.
Too tuckered out after a long day of swimming
to even make it to dinner time.

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