Wednesday, June 24, 2009

34 (and a half) Week Check-Up

I had my 34 (and a half ... every day counts!) week checkup today. I voiced some concerns I had about some recent "activity" I'd been experiencing. Since my last visit I've had lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and over the past three days I can feel the baby pushing downward causing pressure in the lower regions! He also has dropped some.

Therefore, my doctor decided to go ahead and "check" me today. We found that I am 1cm dialated but still "thick." That pleased the doctor because Braden is still about 2 1/2 weeks away from being considered full term (37 weeks). The doctor said she wasn't surprised I was feeling so much pressure because Braden is really low and not surprised I was dialated due to all of the contractions. She does not expect me to deliver prior to 37 weeks (yay ... I'm not ready just yet), but after that point it's fair game and he'll be considered full term. Needless to say things are progressing and we'll have a new addition to our family sometime in the next month! I go back to the doctor in two weeks, I'll keep everyone posted!

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