Monday, July 13, 2009

What Have We Been Up To ... ?

Where have the Hollingsworth's been!? It's been a little crazy around our house to say the least ... very busy!

Yesterday my mom and I took Mason and Colton to Maya's Birthday party at The Little Gym. They both had so much fun, such a neat idea! Thanks Jennifer (Maya's mommy) for inviting us! From simply running on the mats, to rolling on a wheel, popping bubbles, jumping on an inflatable mat, hanging upside down on the high bar, to doing a flip on the rings, Mason was simply in heaven!

Colton had fun just being Colton!
Like my brother, he's the life of the party.

Mason & Maya
Ready for treats!

Maya the Birthday Girl!

Look out Daren Lynch! It's Mason Hollingsworth!

We have been so busy lately, feverishly anticipating Braden's arrival. Every morning I wake up thinking ... will it be today? I seriously clean my house every day! I think it is more than "nesting" at this point. I may need to go OCD Annonymous or something!

37 weeks ~ 3 weeks to go!
3 cm dilated and 70% effaced

At my 36 week check up, which was Wednesday 7.8.09, I found out I was dilated to 2cm and 70% effaced! That was good news. We discussed what to do if I go into labor, etc.

The NEXT morning on Thursday I woke up having contractions every 5 minutes, they were not painful, but nonetheless they were occurring. After about 2 hours of tracking this I called my doctor's office. They wanted to bring me in to monitor the contractions and check me again. Keith and I packed the car ... just in case, took Mason to Aunt Teri's house, and left my mom a message at work. We were at the doctor's office from 11:30am - 2pm having my contractions monitored. They continued consistantly and were getting stronger. The nurse checked me and I was then dilated to 3cm and still 70% effaced, but I went from 2cm - 3cm in an hour. I was then sent to the hospital.

Could Braden be on his way? I was excited on the way to the hospital. However, once we arrived at the hospital and I was placed in a triage room, in that horrible gown and that little bed, it all sunk in and I got really scared. I was nervous about having another baby, it was all so sudden, and he would be very early. Well, after being watched for an additional hour and a half at the hospital, my contractions slowed down and when they checked me I was unchanged. We were sent home that evening ... FALSE LABOR!
At Work ~ 36 weeks (9 months)

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